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This is Pohoiki's warm pond a natural hot spring heated by the volcano. It's a nice place to swim for the keiki's and all people.

Pohoiki Surf Warm Pond
Pohoiki Surf Warm Pond
Pohoiki Surf Warm Pond with kids
Pohoiki Surf Warm Pond shrimp

In this hot pond are hundreds of Opai which means Hawaiian shrimpthat roams the sides of the hot pond feeding upon the natural algae.


The shrimp red or dark orange and grows no bigger then half inch inwidth. If u look good and stay still u will see them.

Pohoiki Surf Warm Pond with kids
Pohoiki Surf Warm Pond with kids
Uncle Hale photo with net

The warm pond and water wells were dug by Uncle Hale,his brother Issac Kepookalani, and a few others as a part ofa business venture by a Japanese developer.

Pohoiki Surf Warm Pond with kids
Pohoiki Surf Warm Pond path

A Hawaiian pathway made of iliili rocks to the warm
pond  was done by the community and Kamehameha
Schools the feet feel good too when u walk on um.  

Pohoiki Surf Warm Pond with kids
Pohoiki Surf Warm Pond with kids
Pohoiki Surf Warm Pond with kids

No pissing! No nudity! No Trash! or doin freaky stuff in
the warm pond! Kids swim in the pond respect.

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