The Mango trees are saved and will be
protected by Hawai'i County Law (Mango season May-June)

Pounded on the reef and u stand up and your really on the reef
Loose yur board and getting saved by a chick
Vomiting in da water cause u out of shape
Loosing your board and watching it hit the reef
Dipping a wave and getting pushed back to where u ended yur last wave.
Everyone catches a wave and your still out with no wave
U make like u can read the ocean paddling over a wave like there is a set behind it and when u do
it's flat like a lake
Paddling so hard for a wave u make more splashes then eva and u still no catch the wave.
A girl sprays u
Tangled in your leash
When it's raining at evening session freezing saying to yur self I should have used my jersey
Trying to catch a wave and bust a move with cramp in yur leg
Getting scared of a turtle or manta ray popping up thinking it's a shark
Catching a wave in and shore brake it pounds on the rocks and sand in front of everyone
Waves are so small that u end up paddle yourself all the way in
A set comes in and u make like it's the sets fault that u can't catch um
Yur own board hit u on yur head
Landing on someone u don't know
Getting sprayed
Every hour you catch one wave because too many people out
Shame that yur board no look as nice how u first bought um small kine duck tape, ding, crease,
bubbles under the board, board was white now yellow brown.
Paddling out on a small day and thinking if it was really worth it
Getting so tired of dipping sets and waves that u just want to turn around and head in shore
Getting in the ocean and thinking it's more rough in the water then it looked on shore
Getting yelled at in the water by on uncle
Getting a evil maka's look by people saying to themselves not another one adding to the already
crowded ocean
Loosing yur fins on a big day and getting pounded by the waves
When u try spray by hitting the lip with all your might... and your spray is no bigger then a foot
Yur shorts ripping or falling off as u tumble in white wash
Held under the water so long that people wait to make sure you come up alive
Walking on hawaiian a'a rocks and the reef making like no hurt... but hurt
U stay out in the ocean so late that it's almost night time and hoping an aloha wave takes u in
before the sharks come out
U hear someone calling yur name to come in and u look and it's yur mom
You hesitate to catch a wave and last minute u try to cop out but the wave sucks u up and gives u
good lickens
Yur friend tells u he's coming in on the next wave, so u head in. An hour later he's still out in the
Paddling for a wave everyone backs off and then u slip off yur board
Girls catching more waves then u
The waves are so big and stormy u catch two or three and head in
When yur so hungry and u no moa money to buy food so start eating the guava's, coconuts,
mangos and da papayas growing on the side of the road.