The Mango trees are saved and will be
protected by Hawai'i County Law (Mango season May-June)



1. Love And Memories
2. Welcome To My World
3. Angel
4. Kalaupapa
5. I'm Stone In Love With You
7. Help Me Make It Through The Night
8. Kanani A'o Kau
9. Sad Eyes
10. Pua Lilia
11. God Bless my Daddy/Mom
This CD is an awesome CD to have in your
collection. It has the old Hawaiian feel and
contemporary Hawaiian music that people in
Hawai'i can relate too and enjoy.
POHOIKI BLUES: is a great song about Pohoiki
Beach it says it all fo everyone that surfs there.
LOVE AND MEMORIES: is another great track of
Dru's which talks about Kalapana being
destroyed by lava but still his memories remain
of this special place. This songs reminds me of
all the Kalapana greats Auntie G-Girl, Auntie
Becky Pau, Auntie Emma Kauhi, Hui Ohana,
Dennis Pavao, Keli'iho'omalu Ohana and more.
Aloha Kakou,
This is a collection of songs I have loved from my childhood. I had always hoped to someday be able to record and share
the music that has been so special and important to me.
Well, dreams do come true! With love, support and determination nothing is impossible.
Trust and Believe in God, yourself and your family and you can succeed in all that you do.
I'd like to say thank you to everyone who helped to make this CD a reality. First and foremost our heavenly father! To my
family my wife and Marlo and children Kayshalyn and Dusty-Dru thank you for always being there and your love and
Mahalo to my brother Ricky, cousin's Stephen Kaheiki and Jr. Keliihoomalu without you guys this dream of mine would
have never come true.
To Ikaika Mazo and Josha Evans for their guitar and bass licks on God Bless My Daddy and Kalaupapa.

Pohoiki Blues Music Video

Dru Kekaualua - Pohoiki Blues
By Melissa Moniza
Big Island boy Dru Kekaualua is leaving the comforts of the group Kolea and taking a chance on a solo CD, Pohoiki Blues,releasing next week.
It’s a familiar tune for the Kekaualuas, who make up the group Kolea, as his brother Ira Kekaualua Jr. recently released Can’t You See,an album that speaks of the war in Iraq and reflects the hurt and hope of a Big Island soldier who served there.
Kolea became popular with tunes such as Ten Feet Away and Everything That Glitters Isn’t Gold. And although the family group still performs, it’s been about eight years since the release of their last album.
“We (Kolea) are still playing around,” says Kekaualua.“They give me a call and I just make sure I don’t book anything. It’s pretty laid back because all four of us are brothers, and the bass player is our cousin. It’s a family group.”
Kekaualua,who spent about six months recording this album, says that it’s been a challenge both physically and emotionally. And he credits the support of his wife Marlo, daughter Kayshalyn and son Dustyn-Dru for giving him the inspiration to complete it.
“Making this album was a big accomplishment because I had some people doubting that I was going to go through with it,“admits Kekaualua. “Just being focused and just going for what I want is what pretty much made me finish this album. And now I feel better that I did it.”
The accomplishment comes at a great time, as Kekaualua was recently injured and left unable to return to his job at Gaspro.With time to evaluate what to do with his life, Kekaualua says that “everything just pointed to music.”
Kekaualua also spends much of his time volunteering at Kaumana Elementary School , where he teaches the fourth-, fifth- and sixth-graders to play the ukulele.
About Dru Kekaualua
If you could open your own store, what would you sell?
Musical stuff, like ukuleles, CDs, equipment for people to play music with. Yeah, that would be something neat.
What has been the biggest obstacle you’ve overcome?
Making this CD. Composing the songs, sometimes you get frustrated. In my mind I was just about to give up, but then my wife said ‘You know what, there are some people who do things and some people who only talk - so are you a talker or a you a doer?’ So that kind of pushed me over and I went forward with this album.
Describe the best birthday party you’ve ever had.
That’s hard because all of them have been pretty good. Well, I had one where I had my own karaoke machine and we just sang all night - until 2 in the morning.
Is there anything you’re addicted to?
To tell you the truth, I’m addicted to all kinds of food. But now because of my back problem I try to eat small portions because I don’t want to pick up weight. You know us local people, we see snacks and we gotta whack um.
What celebrity would you want to spend the day with?
I would love to spend time with Uncle Ledward Kaapana.14
What is the most treasured item you own?
My ukulele.
Who can always make you laugh?
My kids, man, they can always make me laugh just by certain things that they do. My son is kolohe - we can be at a party and he will just get up and start dancing, and that is so funny.
What TV game show do you think you would be best at?
Wheel of Fortune.
At what age do you think you really became a man?
I would say maybe 18 or 19. I had to get out and work. I remember a nurse when I was in sixth grade telling me ‘boy you better enjoy life now because when you are older you ain’t going to be enjoying life like you are now.’ (laughs) And I always wondered what she meant until I graduated and then it sank in.
What was the hardest job that you’ve ever had?
Picking papayas. That was just before I graduated from high school. That was hard - the hardest job I’ve ever had.
Where would you want to visit that you’ve never been?
To tell you the truth, I haven’t been on the Mainland before. So maybe Vegas or something. Everyone is always talking about it, so I would want to check out over there.